Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Funko's Impopsters Line Re-imagines Batman's Rogues as the Dark Knight

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Funko's latest Pop figure line, Impopsters (I'm also not sure about that brand name, but what do I know?). On one hand, putting some (slightly) new spins on characters that have been around for decades is cool, and it lets Funko get a little creative with the standard form bodies they've been using to create hundreds and hundreds of collectibles. But I'm also not wild about just Batmanning the Dark Knight's rogues gallery. The concept certainly makes sense though. People love Batman and his big bads, so why not combine them into one thing?

Impopsters is just the latest in a long line of Funko's attempts to shake up the game with miniature, budget vinyl collectibles. While I wonder if this was the series of collectibles Funko alluded to in the most recent Marvel Collector Corps, I'm definitely wondering what the Marvel versions of these are going to look like. Oh, that's right. Impopsters won't just be limited this Batman series. Funko apparently has designs on the rest of the DCU and Marvel Comics, too.

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via http://comicsalliance.com/funko-dc-comics-batman-impopsters/
Luke Brown

Shop for Funko at Entertainment Earth

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