Thursday, August 13, 2020

Funko Pop – A DC Multiverse

I never intended to buy a DC Universe of Funko Pops.  It just sort of happened.  It started as all good collections do, with a discounted item.  Toys R Us was going out of business and I found the Legends of Tomorrow version of Firestorm on a 10% off table.  I’ve always been a fan of Firestorm and I like this TV version as well.  So I bought it.

At some point I saw a wave of Pops for the Flash show advertised.  I asked my gaming shop, Game King in Fall River, to save me 3/4 of a set when they came out.  I guaranteed I would buy at least that many.  It took a while for the Flash wave to hit retail, but when it did, I gladly added Flash, Vibe and Kid Flash.

At some point I realized you might be able to get a good deal on Funko Pops on eBay.  A few searches later I found this pair.  No boxes, but they were 1/2 the price.  A few days later Legends of Tomorrow characters White Canary and the Atom joined my ranks.

Back to Game King.  It was Free Comic Book Day.  The special Funko Pop was none other than John Constantine.  His show had been cancelled, but the character and actor got to a guest spot on Arrow.   And now he had joined the Legends cast.  Adding this just made sense.

A wonderful friend of mine at work bought me a christmas present.   She bought me a Funko Pop of the Flash from the Justice League movie.  I was touched.  I was also unclear as to how to incorporate it into the collection.

Until part 4 of the CW Arrowverse crossover did the unexpected.  For just a moment, Ezra Miller’s version of the Flash showed up in the Speed Force and spoke with Grant Gustin’s version of the Flash.  I now had an in continuity DC Multiverse of Funko Pops.  Who knows where this will go next.

We could use a new set of Pops related to the CW Crisis event to flesh out the new Arrow, Flash, Legends, Supergirl, Black Lightning combined universe now known as Earth Prime.  And maybe a set for the Stargirl show as well.

Erik "Superfriend" Skov

Entertainment Earth