Saturday, April 14, 2018

An Incredible Amount of Incredibles 2 Funko Products Are On The Way

Incredibles 2 is hitting theaters before you know it and I have to be honest, Funko is the perfect company to release product for this film. This is just one of those situations where styles match up perfectly and create figures and such that everyone will want. Pens, Minis, Pops, plenty of exclusives- lets take a look at all of it.

Your favorite family of superheroes is back in Incredibles 2!
This time around Helen is in the spotlight to save
the world, while Bob is at home with the kids.

While we eagerly await the release of Incredibles 2 collect
your favorite characters from the film as Funko SuperCute Plush,
Pop! Pens, Pop! Keychains, Mystery Minis,
Pop! and exclusive Rock Candy!

Check out Incredibles 2 releasing June 15th, 2018!

Three new Incredibles Pop keychains and four new Pop Pens are on the way. One trend you will begin to notice- Funko is in love with Jack-Jack. Like a lot.

Super Cute Plushies and an FYE exclusive Rock Candy Elastigirl are also available. The pluch monster Jack-Jack is adorable!

Mystery Minis are not as big an issue if you can find a whole case- there is one of each figure in the case. At Target you can get Monster Jack-Jack, Raccoon, and Reflux exclusively. I love when a case=the entire wave. All of these look like great sculpts and I can’t wait to add them to my shelves.

This brings us to a *ahem- Incredible wave of Pops. All of these are just amazing-looking Pop figures. These characters lend themselves so well to the Pop look, every single one of them needs to be owned. I can’t even pick a favorite, although the Underminer is pretty perfect.

Remember when I said Funko loves Jack-Jack? Look at all of those exclusives! He has five Pop figures altogether! FYE has him in a diaper, Hot Topic has a chrome version, Monster Jack-Jack will be a Funko SHop exclusive (gulp) and Target gets two exclusive Pops- an alternate costume Elastigirl and Fire Jack-Jack.

These are all available now!

The post An Incredible Amount of Incredibles 2 Funko Products Are On The Way appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.


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