Sunday, February 10, 2019

BC Toy Spotting: Bargin Hunting! Transformers, DC, WWE, LEGO, Funko, and More!

Welcome to the latest edition of BC Toy Spotting! We are in and out of stores pretty much every day, and we figure (ha!) why not show all of our fellow collectors what we are coming across on pegs and shelves. As collectors, we know that staying on top of what is in stores can be almost a full time job, so we are here to help you with your toy hunts and outings. This week we took a trip around at what can be found at some discount stores, and also find new Funko Pops, LEGO minifigs, and more! Let’s dig in shall we?

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Our first bargain stop is TJ Maxx. Among the puzzles and cheaper toys we found Titans Return Overlord form Hasbro’s Transformers line, along with some Mattel DC Multiverse Injustice 2 figures. These were incredibly cheap, under $15.

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We also found some good deals at Big Lots. WWE Elites for $10, Grossary Gang sets for cheap, and sadly Mighty Muggs are showing up there, curiously for retail price. The surprise was that the discount chain had Rise of the TMNT figures and Transformers BotBots. These are newer lines, so it was a surprise to find them.

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Funko findings this week include a restock of the Red Ranger Power Rangers cereal, the new wave of Toy Story Pops, Pepps Funko Pops debuting, Dr. Seuss hitting Hot Topics, along with their latest Dragon Ball exclusive, and the Jurassic Park Jeep and Ellie set at Books a Million.

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Gamestop got in the God of War Kratos Nendorid figure.

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Books a Million also had the NECA Pale Face Pan’s Labyrinth figure finally. This one os super awesome looking.

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Gamestop also continues to restock the Bandai Power Rangers and Dragon Ball lines of figures.

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Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege figures continue to pour into stores and fly right back out. This line is a huge hit so far.

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And finally Targets got in the Jimi Hendrix Mego figure, and new Shazam! toys continue to trickle into Walmarts.


What are YOU finding in stores right now? Let us know in the comments, or on Twitter using the #BC_ToySpotting

The post BC Toy Spotting: Bargin Hunting! Transformers, DC, WWE, LEGO, Funko, and More! appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

Jeremy Konrad

Entertainment Earth