Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Funko's New Action Figure Line Spices Up the Legion of Collectors Suicide Squad Box [Review]

The DC Legion of Collectors subscription box pushed things into overdrive this month with the Suicide Squad-themed box. Though Funko has yet to put any attention on the comic book side of the DC brand (the upcoming Women of DC box should fix that), the offerings tied to the cinematic side of things haven't been a disappointment. If anything, the Legion of Collectors has been on an upward path since inception, improving upon each release with new goods and more variation than the other two sub boxes Funko currently offers. That's doubly true here as the Suicide Squad Legion of Collectors box introduced an entirely new and exclusive action figure line.

Of course, the standard fare is also still included, so don't worry about missing out on that patch, pin, t-shirt and Pop. Before covering all the good inside though, it's worth mentioning that this month our box was absent the exclusive variant comic of the original Suicide Squad #1. A small oversight that in no way ruined the rest of the contents, especially given the lack of mistakes we've experienced across the rest of the company's sub boxes. Still, would have been nice to enjoy the earliest adventures of DC's most reluctant heroes.

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via http://comicsalliance.com/funko-legion-of-collectors-suicide-squad-unboxing/
Luke Brown

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