Saturday, December 29, 2018

BC Toy Spotting: New Years Spotting! Marvel Legends, LEGO, Funko, and More!

Welcome to the latest edition of BC Toy Spotting! We are in and out of stores pretty much every day, and we figure (ha!) why not show all of our fellow collectors what we are coming across on pegs and shelves. As collectors, we know that staying on top of what is in stores can be almost a full time job, so we are here to help you with your toy hunts and outings. This week we found new Marvel Legends, tons of new LEGO and Funko, more mystery boxes, and more! Let’s take a look.

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This week Gamestops reloaded their shelves with tons of new product. They finally got in the McFarlane Toys Fortnite Raptor figure, and a four pack from Jazz Wares featuring four new player skins, including the Cuddle Team Leader. They also have a Stranger Things Mystery Box full of exclusive items, including a comic, socks, a figure ,and more. New Funko includes Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Mystery Minis, The Jeffersons, new Dragon Ball, and Baby from Dirty Dancing was restocked. Finally, the Beast Kingdom X-Force Deadpool figure is also restocked this week, after selling out very fast.

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Over at Hot Topic, they got in their exclusive flocked Kurama Funko Pop from Naruto, and in a surprise they had a case of the new series of Masters of the Universe Loyal Subjects figures. These were in the new window box package, although some have a paper over the window that way you cannot tell if you have a rare figure or not. Look for a review of some of these later this week.

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For all of you S.H. Figuarts collectors, all kinds of new figures are coming out at Barnes and Noble. This week I found the Infinity War Black Panther figure, and for Power Rangers fans the new Green Ranger figure as well.

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Two more Funko products made their debut in my area this week at Walmart. The Star Wars Pop Pez Greedo is now out, along with a Blu-ray gift set for the new Predator film packaged with an exclusive green translucent Fugative Predator Pocket Pop Keychain.

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Marvel Legends collectors: the new Black Panther wave is now hitting stores. this is the build a figure M’Baku wave, and it will be hitting hard over the next month or so. Start checking your stores. The new Spider-Man wave with the BAF of Kingpin is also popping up in some areas, just not in mine yet.

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Finally, new LEGO is showing up in droves at Walmart right now. They got in full shippers of new LEGO Movie 2 and Overwatch sets for you to snatch up. As with most areas, the LEGO aisles are pretty bare right after Christmas, so over the next couple weeks there will be tons of new product there. This is my favorite time of year for LEGO collecting.

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What are YOU finding in stores right now? Let us know in the comments, or on Twitter using the #BC_ToySpotting

The post BC Toy Spotting: New Years Spotting! Marvel Legends, LEGO, Funko, and More! appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

Jeremy Konrad

Entertainment Earth