Saturday, May 30, 2020

Space Force is Ready for Take Off with Upcoming Funko Pops

The new comedy Space Force has finally made its debut on Netflix. The comedy series shows off the people behind the scenes working at establishing the newest military branch. The sixth armed services branch, the United States Space Force has its challenges ahead and Mark Naird is ready to accept those challenges. General Naird is portrayed by the hilarious Steve Carrell and Funko made him one of the highlights for their first wave of Pop vinyls. There will be two separate General Mark Naird figures with one being a Target exclusive showing off his new Space Force uniform. Each figure features a similar mold with an aircraft in hand. Speaking of Target Exclusives, Ben Schwartz character F. Tony Scarapiducci will also be in this wave. Holding his cell phone he is ready to tweet up about his newest Funko Pop vinyl. The last figure is the Space Chimp Marcus as seen in the 2nd Episode "Save Epsilon 6". This figure also features the same mold as the Umbrella Academy Pogo but with a spiffy new outfit. Each of these are a nice and refreshing start to a new series of upcoming Pops.

Space Force fans will be very excited to get their hands on these figures. These are only rough draft figures and are currently still in development. Some of these could be canceled if certain properties do not get approved. If Space Force makes its launch, I'm sure we will see more characters released in the future. Pre-orders for all of the Space Force figures can be found in one place including the Target Exclusive figures. They are not scheduled to release until 2021 and you can find them located here.

Space Force is Ready for Take Off with Upcoming Funko Pops
Erin Naird, Uniformed Naird (Target Exclusive), F. Tony Scarapiducci (Target Exclusive), and Space Chimp Marcus Pop Vinyls, photo from Funko.

Coming Soon: Pop! Television – Space Force

The post Space Force is Ready for Take Off with Upcoming Funko Pops appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

Tyler Roberts

Entertainment Earth