Monday, August 5, 2019

Haunted Mansion Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Funko

Haunted Mansion is one of the most popular rides in Disney Parks history. The fans of the property are ravenous, and collect whatever they can get their hands on. This is the 50th anniversary of the ride, and to help celebrate Disney and Funko are putting out a ton of new products, including new Pops, Mystery Minis, Pop Tees, Keychains, and more. This is not the first time they have offered Haunted Mansion Pops either, they have had a few offered as Parks exclusives in the past, but this is the first time they have been available to the masses. Let’s take a look at what all will be offered.

Haunted Mansion Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Funko

Target will have two exclusive Pop Tees featuring the Haunted Mansion logo and another featuring the iconic Hitchhiking Ghosts. Be sure to buy a size up, as their tees run small.

Haunted Mansion Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Funko Haunted Mansion Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Funko

Two sets of Mystery Minis can be found exclusively at different retailers. First, Target will have exclusives of the Singing Bust, Opera Singer, the Mummy, Madame Leota, Gus, Ezra, and Phineas. Hot Topic and Box Lunch will share their own exclusives of the Singing Bust, Opera Singer, the Mummy, Madame Leota, Gus, Ezra, and Phineas.

Haunted Mansion Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Funko

Three Haunted Mansion Pop Keychains of the Hitchhiking Ghosts will be available, along with a 10-inch Pop Hitchhiking Ghost exclusive to Target.

Haunted Mansion Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Funko Haunted Mansion Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Funko

Speaking of Pops, the main event is always the wave of those, and there will be plenty to choose from. Madame Leota, Opera Singer, Bride and Mummy will be general releases, with a glow version of Madame Leota available as a Disney Parks exclusive on August 8th. Other exclusives will include Harp Guy at Hot Topic and the Groundskeeper at BoxLunch. Target will have a three pack of chrome Pops for the three Hitchhiking Ghosts.

The regular releases can be preordered right here.


The post Haunted Mansion Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Funko appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

Tyler Roberts

Entertainment Earth



Bring home Chris in a state of hypnosis from the horror film, Get Out!


Chris with bloody clothes will be available on Funko Web.

Coming soon!

Daniel Pickett

Entertainment Earth