Friday, January 11, 2019

Jude Law Teases Cool Thing With Gravity His ‘Captain Marvel’ Character Does

While the confirmation jury is still out on whether or not Jude Law‘s Captain Marvel character is actually Mar-Vell or Yon Rogg [or both?!], we do have some insight as to the nature of the character’s relationship to Starforce and Carol Danvers.

We *do* know that Yon Rogg has a part to play in the film, as Executive Producer Jonathan Schwartz confirmed to

Yon-Rogg does pop up, yeah. He’s an important part of the mythology.”

In a recent interview with our friends over at Collider, Law divulged some interesting tidbits, treading that line of what he can and cannot say [due to the magic of Marvel Studios’ ability to staunch leaks]:

Collider: Can you tell us who is your character and what can you tell us about him?

JUDE LAW: He heads Starforce which is an elite special forces-esqe group of Kree warriors, and also mentor to Carol, Brie’s character.

Collider: How would you describe your relationship with Carol Danvers? The mentor-mentee thing, would you describe it like a Yoda/Obi-Wan …

LAW: [Laughs] I wish! Do I look like Yoda? 

Collider: Or more of a karate master?

LAW: I like that one! Just because of the age, it’s not like a sort of wise old master. It’s much more, I’d say that as leader of the group I lead by example, so he’s very much hands on combat. The relationship really is about containment. There’s a sort of control to my character, there’s a sense of focus and clarity and discipline, and really that’s one of the things I think of the piece, is trying to contain and what is being in control and what isn’t. 


Collider: Is there anything you can tell us about how they meet up and a little bit about the origin of their relationship? 

LAW: Not really because of the order in which the story is told, but their bond and their relationship as mentor and mentee, pupil and sensei, and how they met and what they offer to each other is very much at the heart of the film and the journey that Brie’s character goes on. That kind of would be the spoiler of all spoilers to be really honest. [Laughs] You hit the nail on the head there. 

Collider: Can you talk about the other members of Starforce beyond Carol Danvers? 

LAW: Yeah, I can. I can talk about Djimon, right? Korath who appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy. Obviously this is a few years before, so young Korath, he is second in command. Minn-Erva played by Gemma Chan is a sniper and a long range specialist. We have Bron-Char who is basically a blue giant played by Rune Temte from Norway, and Al Gennis, he plays Atlas. He’s another sniper expert or weapons specialist. Have I left anyone out? No. Me. That’s it. [Laughs] It’s very elite. There’s only six of us.

Collider: Can you talk about some of the abilities your character has?

LAW: He’s a pistol and knife man. I’ve got this kind of cool business I can do with gravity. [Laughs]

A THING WITH GRAVITY?! Okay, we’re even MORE interested now.

Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8th 2019.

The post Jude Law Teases Cool Thing With Gravity His ‘Captain Marvel’ Character Does appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

Mary Anne Butler

Entertainment Earth

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