Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Lazarus Contract And Secret Empire Take Front And Back Covers For Next Week’s Diamond Previews


Here’s the front cover of next week’s Diamond Previews catalogue for comic books shipping to the direct market in May. The Titans?Teen titans/Deathstroke crossover The Lazarus Contract takes the front… while Marvel Comics’s Secret Empire, takes the back.


Even though Secret Empire isn’t actually in the main catalogue at all but in Marvel’s separate bit… which has an All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy cover.

While the customer order form is all Tekkened up from Titan.

“Gems” titles for May include Dark Horse Comics’ Predator: Hunters #1 and Joe Golen: Occult Detective — The Outer Dark #1, DC Entertainment’s Bug!: The Adventures of Forager #1 and Titans #11, IDW Publishing’s Funko Universe, Image Comics’ Regression #1 and Youngblood #1 and Marvel Comics’ All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1.

Lazarus Contract And Secret Empire Take Front And Back Covers For Next Week’s Diamond Previews

Rich Johnston

Entertainment Earth

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